Friday, March 27, 2015

Science is COOL! We made a cloud and rain in a jar!

Today we conducted 2 science experiments. We first created a cloud in a jar. We put hot water in a jar, I lit a match and dropped into the jar and then set an ice pack on top of the jar. These steps created an amazing cloud that the kiddos loved!

Then, we made rain in a jar by filling the jar with water, making a "cloud" with shaving cream on the top of the water and then adding food coloring "rain" on top of the cloud. Then we watched the accumulation of food coloring make it's way through the cloud and rain!

Students learned when water droplets collect in a cloud, they get heavier and heavier. The clouds eventually become too heavy to float in the air. Then the water droplets fall to the earth as rain or precipitation.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Outback fun and more!

Our class read the book Bartholomew and Oobleck,  by Dr. Seuss.  We then predicted and drew what we thought oobleck would look like. After that we went to the Outback (Legacy's outdoor classroom) and experimented and played with the green, gooey oobleck. We couldn't decide if it was a liquid or a solid or both!


We had a wonderful time in math yesterday! We used Skittles to graph, create and solve addition problems and then finally taste! YUM!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Zoo visit

The kids loved the zoo visit on Friday! They learned different ways animals move and were introduced to Jasmine-the Dumeril ground boa, Hazel-the domestic rabbit, Elfu-the millipede, River-the Malayan Box turtle and Dorthy- the goldfish.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Sight Word Practice & A New Trimester!

There is a new way to practice sight words at home!  
The sight words were entered by month into Vocabulary Spelling City.  
This can be accessed by downloading the app to any tablet.  
It can also be accessed by going to kindergarten/.  

From the website- 
You will need to sign up for a free membership.  
You can select which month's sight words you would like to work on.  
Above the list are several buttons.  
Click Play a Game.  There are a number of activities you can access. 
 I would recommend Audio Word Match and Read A Word, 
but you are welcome to find a game to fit your child's interest.

From the app-
You will see several sample lists on the left and the list of games on the right.  
Our words are not in the sample list area.  
Under the 2 menus is a red button that says More Lists. 
Click that button.  Select username and type in legacykindergarten (no space).  
This will take you to the sight word lists.  

Please let me know if  it is useful and helpful.

It is a new trimester! Students will be attending Art on Mondays and PE on Wednesdays.